Software Downloads

You can start using the CPS Wildfire Management Tool (WMT) by simply downloading it and installing it.  The installers were built with install4j, a multi-platform installer builder.

Download the Latest Version

Download the latest versionDownload the latest version for your operating system from the SourceForge software distribution site. 

View the Downloads Folder

View the downloadsView the files in the software distribution folder. Here you can download a specific version of software. 

Note, this link takes you to the Files section on the SourceForge host, which is an advertising sponsored site—don't accidently click on an advertisement.

Installation Instructions


Simply run the WMT installer that you downloaded.


Under development.

Using the Finder, copy the WMT app from the .dmg file you downloaded to the Applications folder or the desktop. Note: don't run WMT from within the .dmg file, otherwise you may see the following alert message:

"Warning - could not install some modules: Emxsys - License - The module org.netbeans.core/ide/1 was needed and not found."
Security Settings

On the Mac, when you attempt to open the downloaded WMT app, you may see the following alert message:

"WMT can't be opened because its from an unidentified developer"
"Your security settings allow installations of only apps from the App Store and identified developers."

Here are the steps to override your security settings and open the app anyway:

  1. In the Finder, locate the WMT app.
  2.  Press the Control-key and click the WMT app icon.
  3.  Choose Open from the pop-up menu.
  4.  Click Open.

The app will be stored as an exception to your security settings, and you will be able to open it in the future by double-clicking it.


No installer is provided.  Examine the contents of the .zip file for the appropriate script to run.